
We work on behalf of our members, to communicate with regulators, government bodies, and political representatives on legislative and public policy reforms to promote an accountable, and thriving private lending industry and a regulatory system which balances consumer protection with sound, rationale rules. This includes the following initiatives:

  • Serving as a unified voice for a profession or industry;
  • Impacting provincial and federal legislation, regulations and policy;
  • Providing a platform for members’ participation in the democratic process;
  • Educating and inform public policy makers and influencers with our specialized knowledge and expertise.

CAPL monitors proposed legislation and regulations to evaluate their impact on members, engage in dialogue with regulators, and implement grassroots advocacy programs that engage members in communicating the organization’s message to policymakers. CAPL is open to coalitions with other groups to address issues of common interest that advance the organization’s public policy agenda.

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